The African Development Bank Group has launched a six-month campaign to sensitize its internal and external stakeholders on its new Whistleblowing Policy, approved by the Boards of Directors in January this year.
The Whistleblowing Policy 2023 builds on a 2007 policy, which at the time was widely considered progressive and reflective of the value the Bank Group places on the contribution of whistleblowers to its anti-corruption processes, and its zero tolerance of any retaliation against them.
The new policy sets additional standards by bringing the Bank’s Boards members and elected officials under the disciplinary scope, particularly where they are found to have threatened or participated in retaliation against any internal or external party reporting fraud and corruption in Bank operations or assisting in audits, investigations, and disciplinary processes.
Speaking at the launch of the Whistleblowing Policy sensitization campaign at the Bank’s headquarters in Abidjan, Paula Santos-Da Costa, Director of the Office of Integrity and Anti-Corruption, said the campaign will be implemented over six months in the bank’s headquarters, regional and country offices and Regional Member Countries.